Date(s): Sunday, September 23, 2018
Time: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Location: Morton Farm
10 Laramie Road
Etna, NH 03750

Some of you may not even know that Dartmouth has an equestrian center. It’s time you learn and come cheer for our team. They have been Ivy League Champions five times since 1997 and region and zone champions in the IHSA six times since 2005. The first meet of the year will be in competition with Middlebury, Northeastern, Williams, Mount Holyoke, Colby Sawyer, UNH and maybe Smith. It’s a New England Invitational so we’ve invited teams from outside of our regular IHSA region. Our DCUV will be there to watch and learn and to flip burgers and dogs for our team and for you. It’s partially pot luck, so please bring a salad or side-dish or dessert. We will provide the grilled goodies and cold beverages.
PLEASE RSVP below and indicate what you might bring.
Horse jumping events begin at about 10 a.m. and we will start cooking about 11:30, continuing into the afternoon. There will be opportunities to hear from and ask questions of team members.
Directions to Morton Farm (10 Laramie Road) are here, or use your GPS/phone.
Online registration is closed for this event.